Check out all the fabulous items featured - you can bid on items and contribute to Fund-the-Future online. Here are the opening and closing times for all items:
Class Projects and any items including alcohol will be at the Gala and will be on display so they can be viewed in person. Here are the opening and closing times for all items:
General items (500's, 700's, 800's 1000's, 2000's, 4000's) open at 12PM on Wednesday 4/24 and close at 1PM on Sunday 4/28
Class Projects (600's) open at 12PM on Wednesday 4/24 and close at 9PM on Saturday 4/27 (if you are the winning bidder, and are at the gala, you will be able to take the project home with you)
Wine/Alcohol (not online) (900's) opens at 5PM on Saturday 4/27 and closes at 9PM on Saturday 4/27
Fund-the-Future opens at 12PM on Tuesday 4/23 and closes at 1PM on 4/30 (You can donate to Fund-the-Future online and/or in-person!)
Please use this link (Gala 2024) to register and preview items. Items will be available for bidding according to the schedule above. You will receive an email after the gala with instructions on when and where to pick up items if you are a winning bidder. QUESTIONS? Contact: Loretta Sursely Email: [email protected] Ginny Morrissey Email: [email protected]