Welcome to Sacramental Preparation for Children at St. Madeleine Sophie Catholic Parish. After you read through the information here, Please contact Elaine Low with questions or to prepare your child for these Sacraments:
Email [email protected], voice mail:
425-747-6770 ext. 114.
Congratulations! You’re expecting a new little one into your family or you’re already proud parents of a newborn! Perhaps you’re new to the area and have yet to have your child baptized. Regardless of your situation, while scheduling for your childbirth classes, adjusting to the challenges of raising a newborn or making a new home for your family, now is the ideal time to focus on your Baptismal preparation classes too. We welcome you to our faith community and are happy to assist you in baptizing your child!
Baptism classes consist of two classes held virtually with Google Meet . Please contact Elaine Low to register or for more information. Baptism Preparation Classes are held 1:30 pm to 3 pm virtual classes with homework.
Already in Progress
Please email Elaine for more information about Baptism Classes.
–Reconciliation (Penance, Confession) – Second Grade
Special catechesis around the subject of making choices, forgiveness, and reconciliation is part of our broader First Eucharist preparation program. Please email Elaine for more information
–First Communion (Eucharist)
Our First Eucharist and First Penance preparation programs includes materials, discussions and activities presented at the Whole Community Catechesis evenings. Please email Elaine for more information
–RCIA adapted for Children
This program is modeled after and runs parallel to the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults). The process begins with the Rite of Welcoming and is designed for young people ages 8 to 16 years of age, who have not been baptized, or who are baptized in another faith tradition. Please email Elaine for more information
Email [email protected], voice mail: 425-747-6770 ext. 114.